This is a very good combination of Valve's best FPS games! You can just shoot robots, people etc or play the story mode! There are also many secrets (Mostly in Portal)! If you don't want to take down the baddies the hard way or you're stuck in some place, you can enable the console, find commands in the internet and use them in the game. And it's very cheap, it isn't hard to find and if you take the games one by one it'll cost much more than the "Orange box" pack! For now this is my favorite game pack ever!
Here are some cool sites and fan sites about "The orange box" to check: /
This package is the ultimate PC gaming experience. If your an FPS fan that is! You get five great games for 50 bucks, on that alone this should rate a 10. HL2 is one of the best games ever, and you get both expansion ... Read Full Review
HL2: Episode 2 is the game I was most looking forward to in the orange box, I wanted more of the characters and more of the existing solid gameplay. I was satisfied in all areas, mostly in the action part of things. A fe... Read Full Review