half life series , portal and team fortress 2 (daddy of all multiplayer games)what else do u want!!!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box PC
i dont know why any fps fan would not buy the game.first reason that it has five games.you might be thinking these 5 totally awsome game must be like $250.00 or somethin.its not its the price of 1 game.aech game has unique graphics.half life2 has a realistic yet unrealistic somewhat cartoonish graphics.portal is a mostly realistic type and my personal favoutite is tf2 with its cartoonish type graphics.overall the graphics are great
gameplay-gameplay of half life2 series is normal where u hav a gun and go shoot monsters or something.portal is probably th first most unique most intresting fps puzzle game.it was most fun to play.team fortress 2 is my fasavourite,the game is a multiplayer based game with different atasks to do depending on the serve ru pick.its bacikly red vs blue.in some missions u secure bases while the other just duke it out and see which team gets more kills.
this game has everything from an action adventurous fps,a puzzle game and even a online multiplayer game and the best of its kind.
id recomend this game to all players since u get 5 games for the price of 1 and also u dont need a very powerful pc.