The best video game deal ever. Period.
-Half-life 2, Ep 1 and 2-
What can you say about the Half-life series? Well, since 1998 Half-life games have been known world-wide as some of the best shooters available and that still stands true today. The Half-life games follow the story of Gordon Freeman, a scientist who worked in the anamolous materials section of the Black Mesa science facility. However, in the typical experiment gone wrong scenario the experiment opened up a portal to an alien world called "Xen" from which poured a multitude of different alien species hell-bent on global domination. After saving the world Gordon is put into a two-decade stasis by the mysterious "G-Man" (Who has yet to have been given an official name in the games) untill the world needs him again. When Half-life 2 was released it brought with it the source engine, a new physics engine with gameplay mechanics and graphics that were years ahead of its time. The Half-life games bring with them an incredible moving story with excellent voice acting and dialouge not just from your allies but also from your enemies.
Ah yes, everyone's favorite; Portal. Portal is by far and wide the dullest part of the Orange Box, and that's not saying much. Portal is still an interesting new experience with gameplay mechanics unlike any seen before. I won't go into too much detail on how the portals work, but its pretty much put portal here, put portal there, step in here, come out there. However, they tried to make Portal more mysterious than it had to be, and in the end it comes out not even being very enjoyable. I HATE the Glados song at the end, and when you play you'll know what I mean. I expected a real actual ending that expalined what the hell was going on and why but no, instead I get to hear a lame song that pretty much lets me know I've wasted my time. Thank you.
-Team Fortress 2-
An excellent multiplayer game, what else can I say? TF2 does actually contain the most diverse and fun class-based multiplayer you will probablly ever experience. It's not like most games where each class is basically the same with small varying differences; each class is actually TOTALLY different and require completely different meathods of play. It isn't exaclty my cup of tea, but anyone who doesn't allready have an addiction to another online shooter (Call of Duty 4 or Halo) will enjoy Team Fortress 2.
-Great Value
-Provides many many hours of gaming
-Has great single player qualities and great multiplayer, something you don't see too often these days.
-Portal is great on the way through it
-Portal pisses you off at the end