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User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box X360
The Orange Box is a single disk that holds 5 games: Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 Episode1, Half-Life 2 Episode 2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2.
I'll Start with Half-Life 2.
Half-Life 2, ep.1,ep.2
This is a very good game although if you are like me and are not in to computer gaming chances are you've never heard of this game or maybe you have but you never played it.
If that is your case then you WILL be completely lost in the story line. And sadly for you this is a very story driven FPS. But you don't need to know the whole story to understand the imediate story through the Half-Life 2's.
The controls for the Half-Lifes are basically the controls for ever FPS known to man.
But Half-Life has a couple of things that set it apart from the other FPSs. It has a puzzle compent but its hardy existence but it'll jump out at you here and there. It has this really interesting gun called the Gravity Gun some people in the game will call its by its full name(Zero Point Feild Manipulator) you can pick up objects and shoot them places or at people. it is required through the entire game.
The story for the Half-Lifes is to long twisted and complicated to type here without losing your interest.
Half-Life 2 Ep. 1 and 2 are the same controls, graphics, and characters as the first one but it drives the story line leaving you wanting episode 3!

is a STRICTLY multi-player game i haven't played the first one so i can't compair is to that but this multi-player game is a class base FPS where you choose different class'(heavy,spy,engineer etc..) and they have each of their own abilities but there is always something to counter you which this game interesting you will not find a SINGLE rigged character. This is not a game where you can pop it in and start liking it you have to spend a little time with each character then choose your favorites for the situation at hand. The only thing i hate about TF:2 is the levels there is 6 total.

I have saved the best for last. This game is the most orignal and unigue game i have EVER played. theres no killing so you blood thrsty beast won't want to come here but it is a puzzle game that is so intersesting. everyone should try this game. And it is one of the funniest games you will find.
Its hard to right a review for this game i can't judge you play and you be the judge.

All in all the Orange Box is prefect for people that can't afford to buy games all the time, likes challenging achievments, likes lengthy games, and needs a good online game.