An outstanding collection of 5 games in 1 and all of them keeps the player wanting more, which it keeps giving.
User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box X360
The Orange Box is an outstanding collection of five games, put into one disc. Everyone was looking forward for Half-Life 2 and its episodes, but what really was the cream of the crop was Portal, the highly addictive puzzle game. Team Fortress is a lot like most shooters, but here you must be smart about who you be and how you go about completeing your goal. First, lets talk about Half-Life 2. Here, you play as Gordon Freeman as he fights the Combine. This game is just as addictive as it was when it came out. The game's most amusing and best weapon is the Gravity Gun, where you pick up anything and use at as a weapon. The other two episodes follow Half-Life 2's story line up until Episode 2. One of the best and most original games was Portal. Here, you play as a lab-rat named Chell armed with a weapon called the Portal Gun and you must get through puzzles devised by the computer GLaDOS. This is where the (creepy) humor of the Orange Box kicks in, and where you need to use your brains to figure how to get to the end of the puzzle. The only downside to Portal is that it is indeed short. Once you beat the game, you then need even more brain power to beat it's even harder puzzles. Last but most certainly not least is Team Fortress 2, the multiplayer shooter. Some people might be turned down by the graphics (which look oddly like the Incredibles), but everyone knows that graphics most certainly don't make the game. In this game you pick a class out of nine people: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Sniper, Medic, or Spy. Your objective is based on where you are going to play on, so objectives are a little laid back. Here, you must think smartly about how you are going to complete your objective, such as you being on offense or defense. Are you going to be a Spy and backstab an unknowing Sniper, or are you going to be an Engineer and put a Sentry right above the intelligents? That's all up to you and how you see things unfold. The Orange Box has a variety of games for you to choice from; go play.