A tiny box with a ton of content!!
The Orange box is a wonderful collection of games and is bound too keep you entertained for weeks.
The Orange box offers a series of games to choose from (these are listed above), most of these games have an intense storyline and include alot of violence.
Half-life 2: Half-life 2 fills up three slots in the Orange box (three chapters of the game); it follows the troubles of Gordon Freeman, the theoretical physicist and dimension-hopping commando who saved the world from an alien invasion at the end of the original Half-Life. Half-Life 2 takes place an untold number of years after the Black Mesa incident, but it's clear that much has changed. You arrive in city 17 at the start of the game and it doesnt take long until you join the struggle to defeat the combine and free humanity.
Portal: Portal fills up one slot in the Orange box; Potal takes place in the experiment rooms of Apeture science, you must solve a number of mind straining tasks with only a computerised voice as your guide, as well as solving these tasks you also unravel the gripping storyline of the game.
Team Fortress 2: Team Fortress 2 fills up one slot in the Orange box; Team Fortress 2 is a strictly online game were the player can choose a number of maps, each map has its own gameplay, for example: Capture the intelligence, capture the zones, etc... Team Fortress 2 is a cartoonish first person shooter that'll have you addicted from the first play, there is a number of characters too choose from, each with their own special weapons and abilities, for example: Spy - can disguise as an opposing team member, backstab, cloak, etc... Engineer - Can build things (Turrents, dispensers, etc..), and wields a shotgun.
Overall: The Orange Box is definitely a game worth getting for any Playstation 3 owner.