I'm reviewing The orange box for the PlayStation 3. I'll give a complete review and tell the changes from the PC version

User Rating: 9 | The Orange Box PS3
So the orange box is a package that includes 5 highly rated games, which one of then is even the most highly rated Metacritics game of all times. So the games that come in the package are:

1. Half-Life 2
2. Half-Life 2 Episode One
3. Half-Life 2 Episode Two
4. Portal
5. Team Fortress 2.

The gameplay in those five games is pretty good, it's not as good as the PC version though because you're using the dualshock 3 controller instead of the standard PC and mouse which is better for first person shooters. I've played Half-Life 2 five times and it's still not too much repetitive.

The graphics, sadly, are a little bit outdated. It's not hard to find better looking games on the market right now. But keep in mind that the games are based on the Source engine which is 5 years old (since 2004). And there is a blur overlaying the image to emulate anti-aliasing. It's not really disturbing, but if you're very close to the TV it's going to show.

The storyline: It's better than most first person shooters: all the cinematics are shown from the protagonist's face (you see what he'd see). So there are no cameras following the people, it's you that move wherever you want.

The value: The orange box retails now for 19,99$ (I got mine 12$ used) and it's coming with five games. Even if they are a little bit old, there is nothing better than it's value on the market.

Loading times: Put the game on easy settings so you'll have to reload less often. In Half-Life 2 Episode Two, the loadings are always painful and it can take up to 30 seconds for reloading. It's frustrating if you do not put it to the easiest setting.

What's different in the PS3 version than in the PC?: the main menu is different, you don't have to be connected to the internet in order to play, the controls are different, the savedgames are in another format, there are way less Team Fortress 2 servers online.

Conclusion: If you have a fairly powerful PC, get the game on PC. If not, the PS3 version is still quite good, if you can handle the 30second load times (and it's long because you need to reload often). Despite it's quite old, it still is a good package. But the PC version is better if you have the proper PC and it has the Source SDK for modding. So I give it an 9 for the PS3, and a 10 for the PC.