Great Games. Love It.

User Rating: 8 | The Orange Box PC
The orange box is a great collection of games and I would recommend it to everyone. Now here are my reviews for the games.


Portal was a great game! Great graphics, great gameplay, and an even greater storyline. It only had one flaw. Too short! I was loving it and getting really into the game and saying this is my favorite game ever but then I got to the final bossfight in four hours and I was so sad that it was over.

It would be a 9.5/10 but since it's so short I gave it a 8/10

Team Fortress Two

This game was fun! I love playing on it because of all the different classes and maps made the game never get old.


Half life 2

I know everyone will disagree with my review for Half Life 2 but here it goes. The Game was great. It had nice puzzle some nice action and a pretty good storyline but it lacked one thing every first person shooter needs. Challenge. The enemies were pretty easy and I found that the AI was very stupid. There was practically no strategy to the fights. You could just run out and kill them easily because they never use cover and you have a bunch of super powered weapons like the crossbow and the AR2.


Portal 8/10
Team Fortress 2 9/10
Half life 2 7/10

Averages out to 8/10