5 games, 1 box, a bargain that wil make your social life not important any more.

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box X360
This game features 5 games: Half-life 2, Half-life 2 episode 1, Half-life 2 episode 2, Portal and Team fortress 2. Like you can see the most prominent part of the orange box is taken by Half-life 2. The game is one of the best First-person shooters of the last few years. This is not only because of the sci-fi en sometimes funny storyline in the game's but also because of the nice action and good physics. this especially comes out great in the last level of Half Life 2 with one of the most innovative weapons ever designed: the gravity gun. This gun allows you to pick up any kind of objects (not to big in size) en lets you move or throw them away right into the face of your enemies. The story takes place after the events of Half-life 1. In Half-life 2 you return to a earth torn by an alien race. You as Gorden Freeman play the man that will have to make some short measures with these guys. you will travel trough city 17, beaches crawling with ant lions (huge bugs , they look like the bugs in Starship Troopers) a prison with dark secrets, a dark village with zombies and head crabs, the citadel, and in the expansion packs also in the wide White forest. The next game to discuss is Portal. Portal is a nice puzzle game in which you are a testsubject. This test subject has been give a nice device for a series of tests: The portal gun. with this gun you have the ability to create portals in which you are able to instantaneous travel between two points. with this portal gun you need to solve a lot of puzzles before getting to the end of the main game. And when you finished it you got a lot more challenges awaiting you. this game also has one of the best end credits seen in any video game released to date.
The final game to discust is Team fortress 2. This game is only playable as a multiplayer game. in this game you can choose between 9 totally different classes, each with their own strenghts and weaknesses. There are only a few gametypes to play in Team fortress 2: attack/defend,, capture the flag, checkpoint capture, and territorial control. All of these gametypes are funn to play, and even more with friends through the xbox live connection. The game is always action packed and also very funny with the cell-shaded look and the humiliations you can make by pushing the X-button. it will also take a large chunk of your personal life because you just want to play on and on.

So every game considering is the orange box a fine box full of mind puzzling, action packed, funny games. This game is a classic to me and i really hope you are also willing to play this adventure.