Science, Shooting, and Portals.
Next up is newcomer Portal. I was somewhat skeptic when I heard it was going to be a puzzle(first person platforming is a big no-no) but a few minutes of play time dispelled all doubts. Essentially, you must navigate your way through 19 test chambers using a gun that creates entry and exit portals. It sounds simple, but Portal has some of the craziest, most mind bending game play I've ever seen. From the sterile white walls to turrets that apoligize for shooting you, nothing is what it seems.
Then there's Team Fortress 2. I don't have Xbox Live, so I've only been able to play a few matches at a friend's. I liked the different classes and the humor, but I felt there wasn't enough substance to get anything going. No ranks, strange movement(is the Scout on skates?!) and almost unbearable lag drags the Orange Box from perfection. To me, it seems like HL:Deathmatch would have been a smarter choice here. But, I haven't played many matches, so...
In the end, The Orange Box is an incredible deal. 4 guaranteed great games(and one you might like more than me). 99 achievements(Episode 2:look under the bed in the cabin. You'll see it.) All in all, this is a must haev for fans of First person shooters. You can't go wrong with the Orange Box.