This game is for you if your a boring person.

User Rating: 6.8 | The Outfit X360
The outfit for the Xbox 360 is a third person shooter that takes place during world war 2. At first i herd nothing good about this game, but i went out and renteed it anyway to see what i thought of this so called waste of money game.

Graphics 8/10
The graphics for the outfit are pretty damn good! The scenery in this game is also pretty good. The only thing that i truely love about this game is the bombs and explosions they look absoulty real. The character models are ok not the greatest you can have your own opinon on them.

Sound 8/10
The sound in this game is better than i thought.The germans actualy sound german now thats pretty cool. Also, the explosions and gunfire sound so unbelivibly real. If i can remember the mouths do move and it looks like they are really speaking.

Gameplay 6/10
I have a few complaints about the gameplay. First off the aiming system reallly is crap. Second there is no splash damage. Third it just flat out sucks and is crap, crap, and more crap. I mean you aim at the damn germans and it takes about one whole ammo clip its bull!!

Overall 7/10 This game is not the best game out there for the 360, but for 40 or 50 bucks you should add it to your collection, but i wouldnt recommend this game at all.