The outfit is probably my favorite game of all time, it has a few problems but then what game doesnt?

User Rating: 9.5 | The Outfit X360
The Outfit is a great game with several problems. The most obvious (and most used to demote this game) is its single player campaign. I love this game but now that i play it a second time, it does seem a bit slow and boring. I suggest playing the campaign only for practice or achievements. On hard, its okay but impossible at others. Multiplayer is awesome though. Combining strategy with fast paced action it completely makes up for the campaign. You can earn upgraded weapons with your achievments, not very important but useful when you fight another player. My personal favorite is the melle attack, simply hit A at the right time and you beat up your target for an instant kill, and hijacking. theres nothing better then reading that _________ was meleed by Old Tiger or that ________ was hijacked (hijacking is an instant kill). I wrote this review to (maybe) help you decide whether to buy this game or not. Its my favorite despite its flaws, and you should at least try it.