A great multiplayer experience makes up for the average single player mode.

User Rating: 8 | The Outfit X360
The Outfit would have been just an average shooter if it was not for a very fun multiplayer mode. The game has a single player mode but it's just an average one and they might as well should have left it out. The multiplayer mode is highly competitive and fun. The maps are nicely designed and you have to capture as many checkpoints as you can before the other guy. You can choose the weapons you have. The weapons are actually pretty well balance but if you are good with a sniper rifle then the game feels a little unbalance since you can easily kill your opponents with just a few shots from a great distance. You can call down tanks, bomb strikers, new artillery, ect. This makes the game feel very fast paced and action heavy. The graphics are pretty good and so is the sound. Overall if you like a good strategy based shooter and have an online connection then you should definitely pick this game up.