An enjoyable game overall, but while there were definitely some hits, there were a lot of misses, too.
So let's start with the good. The "destruction on demand" was an excellent addition to game play, making it easy and fun to drop vehicles, weapon emplacements, support troops, air or artillery strikes, even sometimes bridges. This makes up to a good, fun part of the game. Also, the controls are fairly easy, and it won't take you very long to get used to them. The effects and audio are pretty good, and stuff blows up with a nice, satisfying explosion. Another positive, a wide variety of vehicles makes it easy to kill people in any way you like.
Now, onto the bad. Starting with the graphics. Don't get me wrong, I think they're good, but nowhere near what they could be on the 360, and sometimes the game play suffers. It can get hard to see and identify enemies at times, which can leave you madly spinning in circles looking for one enemy who's nickel-and-dime-ing you to death. Another thing, there is very little variety of weapons. You get to choose from three characters, each with a different set of weapons. One with a rifle and shotgun, one with a submachine gun and flamethrower, and the last with a revolver and bazooka. I mostly preferred the bazooka guy because of the tons of armor you'd face throughout the game. But that brings us up to our next problem. This game almost completely lacks splash damage. It's annoying when you're shooting a 108mm howitzer at a huge group of German soldiers, and only one or two goes down with each shot in a cheesy "crumble to ashes" effect. Also, the game play seemed to get a bit boring and repetitive, with fairly linear levels and predictable objectives. As for the value, I find almost no Xbox 360 game has a lot of value due to the $60-70 price tags. Overall, this was a fairly decent game. Fun and enjoyable for the first little while, but after a bit, it begins to get repetitive and even frustrating at times. I would say rent it first, and if you really like it, go ahead and buy it. But be forewarned, this game does have many flaws, and the experience definitely suffers greatly from them.