so liek, heres my liek review lol, no serious liek read it n00b!!!1!!111!

User Rating: 8.9 | The Outfit X360
so liek the guy that thinks hes liek so pro wrights his little review and liek records a video of liek himself lol and says that the grafics suck and the game deosnt like own. i thikn that he liek is a toTAL n00b that liek gets pwned alot and doesnt know how to think and aim at the same time rofl lol omfg he should like stfu and not totaly suck ma balls and maby get his fat ass of teh pro stick and liek get a nub stick on teh accout he liek sucks so much balls lol rofl rfol lolol9lolool lmao lol faaaaaaaag lololol.

this game totaly pwns. get it and liek lol, avoid the single play you n00b.