im tried of people trying to be like call of duty 2 one historical ww2 first person shooter is enough its not that hard to be origanal people com on lol exaple call of duty 2 is an historcal first person shooter and G.R.A.W. is an some what futuristic first person shooter and when battle feild comes out it is going to be an modern day first person shooter they are all first person but different all theres people trying to make a ww2 first person is not going to work sorry cant wait to see how sorry the next copy cat titles are going to be lol
Oh, is it Mercenaries maybe. Well I can honestly say I played the story mode twice. Once for the Achievements and once because I missed some. But I did enjoy it a little. The game didn't really give me that felling that ... Read Full Review
Wow, this is probably my favorite game on the 360 so far. The gameplay is definately the best aspect of the entire deal. You can destroy almost everything and can wage as much war as you want. I don't know why people did... Read Full Review