"Disappointing" is an understatement.
The levels all seem the same. You start at the beginning with one military base to re-spawn at and you basically take over more of the same as you walk from start to finish. There isn't much strategy to each level as you just use your "destruction on command" to get a full squad and move in recklessly with the desired vehicle of your choice. (if provided at the time)
The aiming system seemed to be off while I was playing too. Many times I found myself aiming straight at an enemy, unloading a clip or two on him and he would not want to die. It was annoying at times when I was bombarded by many different German soldiers.
The vehicle control was complicated and proved to be a pain at times. I have never ever had a game that gave so much trouble when turning and maneuvering around enemy encampments. Not to mention when I was in a tank and I shot at a group of German's, the explosion was cool and I thought the effects were one of the best I have ever seen, but when all of them stood back up and continued firing at me I was more the upset.
I definitely had more negatives to say about this game and this is what drove me to capitalize on the new return policy at my EB and get G.R.A.W, which proves to be what I have been looking for on the 360.
I recommend renting the game to make sure you are a fan of this game before investing the $60 into it. Then again, I would just say go buy G.R.A.W instead of wasting your time :-/