While it is pretty fun to play, it certainly didn't live up to the hype.
It's a little hard to describe exactly what kind of game The Outfit really is. It's kind of a combination shooter, squad-based, and strategy game. As a shooter, I think it falls pretty short. As GS correctly noted in their review, accuracy is pathetic in this game. I imagine 1 out of every 10 shots actually lands on a target. No matter how close you are. The risidual damage from explosions is also realistic. Firing a tank cannon into a crows of three guys should kill all three, not just the one it happen to hit square in the chest. That's extremely annoying.
On the flip side, some things make the game more tolerable. For one, dying certainly doesn't seem to be a big problem. I had trouble with one level, getting killed over and over again in a span of 5 minutes, and it didn't set me back or make me start over at the beginning or anything. I did have to repeat a few things, but I wasn't completely frustrated like I've been in other games. The overall light-hearted nature of the game makes it fun as well. While it's a WWII game, which was anything but light-hearted, this game does make it feel a little less heavy, which makes it a more relaxed playing experience.
As far as graphics go, the game is pretty darn good. The details are nicely done, as is the lighting. I didn't run into any scenes that were not interesting to look at. The explosions are nice, as are the vehicles and terrain. The buidlings are also pretty well done, although the idea of destroying anything you want to isn't exactly true. Certain things never show damage, and others will be damaged, but won't exactly disintegrate. But, overall it's a very nice looking game.
The sounds are pretty good too. The music is appropriate and not really a problem or a real element to the game. The explosions and weapons sounds are also very nicely done. It's a very good overall sound quality. The acting talent is good, too, but the variety of comments is limited. It does get a little annoying to hear the same things over and over again. I will say that the cutscenes are very well done. The overall look and sound as well as the acting make them fun to watch.
In my opinion, the game play is where The Outfit really falls short. As I mentioned, the pathetic accuracy in shooting is extremely annoying. Also, the single player missions are so redundant it's pathetic. Only the scenery and bonuses change, everything else is the same. The game really lacks that engaging feel to it which really detracts from the pleasure of playing it. There are some gameplay elements that are positive, however. I like the Destruction on Demand. Getting weapons and vehicles within seconds is a nice feature, even if it is unrealistic. Your squad is decently helpful, but not very good at protecting themselves.
For me, The Outfit is something to rent, but I wouldn't bother owning it. It just doesn't last long enough and isn't interesting enough to play for a long period of time. I didn't get into the multiplayer aspect very much at all. So, that may be it's redeeming quality, but I really can't comment on it. It was a nice try, but wasn't completely well executed.