DJ's review of The Outfit

User Rating: 3.5 | The Outfit X360
Let me start out my review of The Outfit by saying I had no idea what to expect renting this game.That being said, let me also say this game blows more than Paris Hilton.
The graphics are nothing better than X-Box graphics.
The AI is totally retarded.You could probably kill 15 people every life with your flamethrower.This connects with my beef with the gameplay.The fact that everyone is stupid in this game makes the gameplay boring.
The sound is what you'd expect out of a war game.Nothing impresses you though just like everything else in the game.
The controls are confusing at first, but if you can stand to play this game half an hour, you will probably get the hang of it.
All in all, don't even bother.They hyped this up only to slam you down.Don't even waste your money renting this.This is just a wanna be Mercenaries.So if you're into playing mediocre war Mercenaries.At least Mercenaries it somewhat good.