A good game that should be a fun rental

User Rating: 6 | The Outfit X360
I wouldn't recomend buying this game right now since its 60 bucks. Since this game will feel like a 20 dollar deel 2 u. its fun at some times. but it can get boring after awhile since in mainly nothing but strajedy. the idea of calling for men, weapons, and veichels out of the sky is a pretty neat idea. but i wouldn't think this idea fits right in a wwII game. this game is completely unrealistic. come on the war world II didnt have all that **** falling out of the sky. this game is completly a disgrace to the war world ii games. and whats with the veichal controls. its tough to drive around.
and the the aim and shootings is ricualios. the grpahpics and sound r pretty good. yes it has multiplayer and co op wich should be pretty fun to try out. multiplayer suports up to 8 players and co op 2.

In short simple sentences. dont spend 60 right now on this game. u should have all your fun in 1 simple rental.