This game could have been so much more, but it is still an ok game

User Rating: 8.2 | The Punisher PS2
This game is one of the most gore filled games that I have ever played in all of my life. The Punisher is one of the funnest games as well. Have you ever played a game that you can hide in a coffin and durring the funnerial, pop out and pump every one full of led? I didn't think so. One of the greatest parts is that your character can take anyone hostage and interagate them using his suroundings to get information on what to do. For example if you are in a high level hotel room you might hang the guy upside down out of a window and slowly let go of him until he told you what you wanted to know. The game is reaaly short but it is so fun that you may want to play it another time through. So you may want to rent the game before you buy. Oh and gore is a big part of this game so I hope you don't have a weak stomach.