Max Castle
User Rating: 8.2 | The Punisher PS2
So what we have here is a good example at how having a good, dark sense of humor can come in handy. Sure, parents, priests, and politicians will complain about the over the top violence, but it's just a GAME! It's like when Daffy Duck would get shot in the face at point blank range with a's just funny. But anyhow, I was a big fan of the movie, and the game somewhat resembles the movie, but not really. I think the game is based more on the comic book than the movie, which really isn't a bad thing. But I have to say that I liked the game better for the first half than for the second half. The Punisher is better at fighting crackheads and mobsters than he is at fighting men in techno space suits. But hey, if it can die, The Punisher can find a nice "colorful" way to kill it. The quick kills are always funny and entertaining, and for me, they never really got old seeing the same ones over again. I especially liked the part in the funeral home when you could grab an enemy, throw them into a casket, throw a grenade inside with them, and then few seconds later, BOOM. Hehe. As far as weapons go, it's just the typical for this type of action game. You got your assortment of automatic rifles, pistols, automatic pistols, and even a flame thrower for good measure. But, I think my favorite part of the game was the special Slaughter Mode. In this mode, everything takes on this grainy black and white look and you can throw an infinite number of knives, usually taking two knives to kill someone. But I really liked the quick kill in slaughter mode where the pushier would punch a villian in the face and their whole head would explode. The interrogation thing was alright, I never really had too much problem with getting a villian to break except for a few instances. But hey, even if you "accidently" kill them, you still get something out of it...even if it is censored a bit, you can still know what's going on, you just have to have a good imagination. So basically, if you liked playing Max Payne, you'll pretty much enjoy this game. As long as you don't take the game too seriously and have a good dark sense of humor, then you should really enjoy this game like I did.