Although most of my complaints didn't come until after i finished playing it The Punisher offers some good gameplay but falls short due to its repetitive levels. Every level there's someone you gotta interrogate and after a while it loses its touch. Most of the level's special finishes were cool to watch but that's about all this game offered. The rage mode was pretty cool as well since seeing Punisher flip into a brutal melee mode was pleasing. Overall this game needed some work before its final release and anyone who's played can agree with that. My final thought: Just rent it and get over it.
We all know we blew through The Punisher in not more than a week, but that solely doesn't make it a bad game. The Punisher is a great game and it deserves a lot more than to be despised by likes of us, who think we're pl... Read Full Review
THE PUNISHER: Lock and load in this vengeful Marvel adventure! Playing as Frank Castle a.k.a. The Punisher, you will soon be in the midst of criminals and scum that require you to be judge, jury and (most importantly)... Read Full Review