I liked the movie, but the game is rather lame
What made the movie appealing to me was not only the good action scenes but also the likable main figure, the hero, played buy Thomas Jane. Also the story was o.k and the plot was not dumb at all.
Even more sophisticated for this gender.
The game though, was rather disappointing. The main Figure was a Sam Fisher clone tomy eyes, although I haven't seen the Comics
maybe he looked this way in the original comics as well. An extremely
unpleasent and dry person which you couldn't make yourself like him
at bit. Like most action games there is not much of a real story other than kill and go. The graphics were also not really something, they just
couldn't create a realistic and touchable atmosphere you want to see in a modern action game. As others mentioned there were some certain
novelty in squeezing info out of antagonist but is was not enough to keep
you looking for more.
I stopped playing the game somewhere, not because it was bad, it was
bearable but I found something much more interesting.
Nevertheless, I don't think that I go back to it when I finished my now
playing game. The Punisher is just not that catching
Maybe in an desolate Island...