I'm very surprised.
User Rating: 8.7 | The Red Star PS2
I got it yesterday and must say I'm very surprised at how good it is and for $19.99 at that. The mix of side scrolling shooting and melee fighting is so cool and how the game makes you use both (Some enemies can only be hurt my melee/bullets) and after each mission you can upgrade you base skills (Gun damage,Armor etc...) by using points that you get from finishing the mission and the better you do the more points you get. It is also very challenging mainly because you only have 1hp bar to get through a mission like in Rise to Honor but it made less taxing by hp packs that are given to you either before or after each boss battle (Which there are a lot of). The game also does a great job of mixing up the different types of enemies on screen at once which means you have to think on your feet. It also helps that the game looks and sounds great for the most part. The sounds of your weapons,attacks and the grunts of your character is very well done but sadly the background music is very forgettable also the use of rumble is a nice plus. My only problems with the game so far is that some of melee attacks may cause your enemies to go flying off screen which forces you to wait for them to come back to you. Also the story is very light and only told through voice less text boxes before each mission ( think of the radio conversations from MGS but with no voices). I must say I'm very happy with this game and I'm so glad I came across it and for $19.99 you can't lose. I really recommend you all give it a try.