The Saboteur-dripping with atmosphere, loaded with glitches. Read here if the action outweighs the problems.
Guns are fun to shoot and aim well. Blood affects are nice and are designed with the same "art-deco" style as the rest of the game. You can race and collect cars, visit the black market and sabotouge enemy installations with your own plan in mind.
Characters are intersting and its easy to be absobed into their personalities.
Huge game, very long and deep in content. Great finish to the game and I was ready to begin again immediately.
CONS - Save system seems OK, but no matter where you save, the game starts you back at headquarters. So your contraband and items are kept, your mission is kept current, but you still must start way back at your hideout and the progress you've made getting to your last checkpoint is wasted.
The HUD becomes flooded with blood effect stains when your badly damaged and just when you need to see what's happening in order to save yourself, you can't see squat and you'll almost always end up dying.
Again about the save's and checkpoints....on the occasions when you do die, you start back at the last checkpoint. Problem is, sometimes the player goes through hell and back for a long time and can die at the very end of a segment. This is an issue that has plagued gaming forever. You end up replaying a long and difficult part of the game two, three, four or more times before finally prevailing. By now, this kind of game drudgery should have long since been eliminated.
Cars, trucks and even the main protaginist Sean Devlin can get stuck. Cars can plow through buildings and walls, but can get stuck on knee high posts in the ground. Trucks can mow over cars, but not sandbags. You just don't know what you can or can't do with the vehicles.
HAVING SAID ALL OF THIS....the verdict is....A MUST PLAY.
There is extrordinary innovation in some of the stages and levels. It's actually better at the sandbox technique than GTA in my opinion. It does take a couple levels of gameplay to really get rolling, but once Dierker kills Sean's friend, then the world goes black and white and the real battle begins. You can feel the shift in atmosphere and tension. I hereby challenge you to climb to the top of the Eifel Tower. That is a tremendous adventure.
THE SABOTEUR - - It's glitchy....but trust me, you can't stop playing no matter what glitch occurs on the screen. YOU WILL HAVE A BLAST.