Love it! Cant stop trying kill nazi's and blow up towers, aa guns etc!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Saboteur X360
Love it! Cant stop trying kill nazi's and blow up towers, aa guns etc!
highly addictive! great to get on for 5 mins or 5 hours!
great story great missions some easier then others and with the right difficulty.
will last you days if you want to do all the freeplay targets, jumps and collecting cars and poatcards easy to get away for the alarms until gets to level 4/5 could do with a bit better stealth but thats about it for me overall a great game and one that will last me ages! recomended if you love a great story and dissructiveness
happy with the game play although like i say the stealth could be better
great storys and videos to keep you involved with to plot
just keep running around killing nazis its the best part heads off from 100 yards o yeah grenades from roof with bombs in...air balloons with aa guns...sneaking up on nazis and snapping necks it really doesnt get much better

buy it! play it! love it!