Yes and no, I'll tell you why.
Resistance was a game I tried to like. Even in the beginning when I picked up my Game Informer, when I typed the name in here at, I tried to like it. Even then I had a feeling that I wouldn't.
It isn't a bad game, it just isn't good. It's a game that is best behind the wheel terrorizing the streets. I liked collecting all the cars around Paris, I liked driving through the streets and countryside, and I occasionally did feel elated after blowing up one of the German installations (a parked vehicle or watchtower, 2 or three guards) However when I went on a mission, I'd want to see how far in I could go secretly, after all the articles said this also had stealth aspects right...
...Wrong. The stealth is completely and utterly useless. These characters WILL see you, and there WILL be BLOOD! The first couple of firefights may seem pretty intense, they may make you want to fight some more in fact. However when you're on a mission, they're regularly in the Grey zones, (an area the Germans Occupy is gray except for yellow lamplight and the color red from Nazi Propaganda,) and it's just not much fun in there. I actually felt oppressed on occasion, which might have been what they were going for, but it's a bad feeling and they really shouldn't have in a game!
By the third hour of nonstop shooting missions, you'll want a rest from this, so you'll go on a murderous road trip. This is where you'll have the most fun, just trying to run down the people of Paris without being caught. It's a fickle fun however, and you'll never really feel excited by this prospect.
If there is one absolute jewel in this game, it would be the Eiffel Tower, if you rent this, climb that sucker, right to the top. Now take a deep breath, you've touched heaven. Now jump, that's fun too.