This Bastard is not so Inglourious
User Rating: 8 | The Saboteur PS3
It's Nazi killing time and business is a booming; It's just a shame that games like this unique falls so short on so many levels, particularly when the story is so great. I'm not saying that this is a bad game, but with so many thing wrong with it I'm amazed that i play it as often as I do. Let's start with the bad, 1srt is the freeze up in the game, I've never had a game that froze up so much on the PS3, it happens at lease once a night and there is no reason for it, it's not there is so much going on in the game that can justify it. 2nd This has to be the most annoying sound track I have ever heard in a game... EVER! There is like 6 songs that plays on the radio when driving and it plays over and over, I mean EA has enough money and there is no choice, if your driving you have to listen to it. 3rd the game play could have been better, as stated with the main review the stealth seems like an after thought and the climbing on building takes way too long to be fun. 4th the character you play as is superman, meaning you can get shot like 15 or more times before you die. If they took this game and made is more serious it would have been great. The good parts of this game, besides Killing plenty of Nazis is the excellent story line and the pacing is fantastic. The racing and driving is fun and I liked the perks in the game as you do innovating things to get different weapons and upgrades. There is plenty to do and it's fun to sneak up and blow up things. In short this is not a bad game, but not a very good one