Easily one of the funniest video games I've EVER played!
In the opening sequence you are walking into a city and the night watchman stops you. As he talks to you, you realize that he is blind! The cheezy, random, witty, puzzles and humor in the game are unmatched in any game I've ever seen... What other game can you play where the entire first chapter's battle system is based off of weenie insults that you throw back and forth at each other (The better the insult, the better your character fights, as it totally catches the opponent off guard)
The puzzles in this game can range from very simple to crazily difficult. If you have the patience, and are willing to immerse yourself in a world where you play a s a character named "Guybrush Threepwood", and are willing to just sit back and enjoy some good old fashioned humor, this game is for you.
Easily one of my top 5 games of all time!