Best of the best. My childhood obsession, and still the best game I have ever experienced.
Monkey Island's strongest suit was definitely it's humor. As a first grader the game left me giggling all the way through, and even playing it now being 19 the game still makes me crack up every once and a while. I can't say there's any other game that is like that, except possibly for one of Lucas Art's other classic adventure titles.
The puzzles were often solved by ridiculous combinations with improbable results. Even though you don't think for the first three hours that the only way to travel across the electrical line is with a rubber chicken, it made perfect sense when you did so. Solving a puzzle in such a manner actually felt very rewarding.
For the era that this game was released in, the graphics weren't bad at all. The graphics captured the setting of the story line perfectly, and to imagine the game being played any other way is difficult.
The music in Monkey Island also captured the environments so well. Even with today's standards, Monkey Island still holds its own. There are still games being released that can't hold a match to the sound track of Monkey Island.
To sum it up, I bought this game when it was $19.99. That was when video games used to come in decent sized boxes, not the itsy bitsy ones that a majority of games are released in, which most now come just in a case. It is too bad no games are released any more that offer as much enjoyment for $19.99 as Monkey Island did.
In conclusion, Monkey Island is definitely the best series of point and click adventure, and this game is immortal in my book as the best game I have ever played. Thanks for reading.