This game exceeded my expectations 10 fold. I had followed the concept on and off since 2009 when I first caught wind of it. While I was excited back in the day, I lost my mojo after several bad experiences picking up mmo's on opening weekend the year TSW was released. I was patient, and the reviews were fairly lackluster. I skipped out and moved on to other titles. Around Christmas I caught a Steam sale and picked it up for 20 bucks as FTP. I couldn't be happier.
The story is excellent, the cutscenes are well acted and gripping, and the instances, even at low levels, are difficult and all beef.
What a great game! Whether you want puzzle solving, a diorama of talent builds, or scandalous choices to make.. you've got it. Pick this title up. It's free to play, and you don't get the hassle as a moocher like you will with a game like SWTOR.
Let me start by saying that if you played the beta and thought "these controls are among the worst I have tried for a very long time, screw this" and never thought about giving it another chance, do consider it. I played... Read Full Review
I was in closed beta for this mmo and even though I have done much of the early content for this game more times than I would like to count I still find refreshing to play. The story lines mixed in with the cut-scene tel... Read Full Review