This game is boring and long. I've taken a wack at it every year since release and I still can't enjoy it.

User Rating: 4.6 | The Settlers III PC
The same old same old always happens in this game. Every mission is the same, build your economy fast, build your army fast, get gods to upgrade your army, win. The settlers line of games has always been like this and new graphics and minor game mechanics don't change much. On top of it all I find this game to be very difficult. The game revolves around getting your troops upgraded quickly and in mass quantities. Limited resourses make this difficult in most maps.

Good things about this game include a very complex economy. That is what drew me to this game in the first place. Although each mission ends up basicly the same each time, the intricate web that makes up resources and how they function is quite fun. Sadly the entertainment from this game mechanic gets dull and slow once you have repeated it multiple times.

All in all this game takes a stab in the right direction but no creativity has been added to further the games value over the older settlers games. Blue Byte has made a habbit of making money off flashy new graphics that cover up old play styles.