An OK game for patient children, but the economy is too simple and the enemy is too dull to challenge real gamers.
It is nearly impossible to defeat your enemy early in this game, you may slay all enemy soldiers and have your army standing unopposed at the center of your enemy's city, but your soldiers will run out of torches before they can do much damage, this of course also works the other way round, so in single-player you will most often get away with not defending your city when the enemy attack, but as soon as you have a wall it's a non issue, the AI simply don't manage to get through.
Calling it AI is a bit of a stretch, it always has a pre-built city, which it will rebuild as required, and it will move troops around with no regard to finer strategic matters, such as the opportunity for capturing an undefended fort when passing by.
What makes it hard to defeat the enemy in the few missions where you must do so is not so much the aforementioned AI, as it is the turtle biased balancing. The catapult is the only unit that really work against stone walls, but it is countered by wall mounted catapults for which the only cure is to bring enough catapults of your own.
I'm not completely sure what it was that did make me play through the game, but I did of my own free will, so there must be something good in it, therefor the grade 6.
I probably won't try multiplayer, the game-play is simply too slow for that.
There is a lot more Sim City than RTS in this game, in most of the levels you practically can't lose, if that is what you like it might be an OK game for you.