It's a decent game that can become a bit addictive.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Settlers: Rise of an Empire PC
I wouldn't call it a AAA title though in the same vein as other similar games. It's fun and can become a bit addictive, but not to the point of keeping you up until all hours of the morning. It's a very simple game with little depth, but really, you'd play the game just to relax and chill out when you want a break from blowing alien and Korean soldiers away in Crysis. A word of warning though: install the patches before you play the game.

The sound isn't to bad, and the graphics are decent, especially at a microscopic level. It's sometimes fun to just follow one of the NPCs around and watch them go about their daily duties. Warfare is a simplistic exercise in clicking and letting animations work themselves out, and that's about as complex as it gets when you have to bury your opponent.

Anno 1701 is a similat game, but at least their is a lot more depth to the management of resources.

If you just want to relax a catch a couple of minutes of gaming, get yourself a copy of the game. If you want some gaming that will stretch the gray matter, avoid The Settlers.