All the usual selling points of Choice of Games/Hosted Games titles are here - massive amounts of player choice, diversity, character customisation, fun stats.
This one had the potential to be really cool. It had some neat world-building and ideas, the characters were interesting, and I really enjoyed Q as a romance option. The ideas taken from The Wayhaven Chronicles were obvious in things such as the varying flavours of flirt dialogue, the love triangle option, A vs. A being extremely similar, etc., but it's not like it was plagiarised; just inspired by. I do think people were far too harsh on it for that - no idea is completely unique, and more of an enjoyable thing is still an enjoyable thing. It wasn't crossing the line into blatant copying, and I was interested in seeing where it would take the series in its own vein.
Unfortunately, the series has been discontinued, I gather in part because of the backlash and comparisons to The Wayhaven Chronicles. It's a shame, but because of that I can't really recommend it as the story will never be finished and it ends on a cliffhanger.
I do hope the author returns with another game someday, whether a revamp of this one or a new idea entirely.