Not worthy full price, since there are not enough people playing online and is very unfriendly to new players.
Then the realisation comes that there are not that many players playing this game, which is purely online multiplayer based. I would be lucky to get into a ranked match with more than 3-4 people. Sometimes, I wouldn't even be able to get that. Also, everyone seems to be playing the Showdown mode, which is a Deathmatch game. This will not be very enjoyable to those of you, who like me, do not like the chaos and unorganised nature of that mode. Fortunately, there are team based modes included in the game. Unfortunately, people do not play them. You could make a server and have players join it, but as a new player, playing against people a few levels above can be a very discouraging experience, which leads me to the next point.
The game is very unfriendly to new players. There are quite a few buttons for the control, so a mouse with additional buttons to map some of the movement actions to is almost a necessity. Aiming directly on top of targets is not a big issue and easy to get used to, but the discrepancy between this control and the melee control is giving me headaches. Why would I need to turn my character with the keyboard to the direction I desire him to face via keyboard in one occasion and via mouse in the other? That does mean you cannot run backwards in melee, and might be purposeful, but is frustrating me as hell since it is so different from the main controls. Also in this fast paced action, the double tapping to roll is completely ridiculous. There is no option to map a button to the roll action either. To be able to effectively dive and slide, one needs to have some speed built up too, which once in combat becomes an impossibility due to the chaotic nature of the combat going on.
In conclusion, if you enjoy Deathmatch where someone can always drop in while you're having a duel with somebody else and finish you both off, if you are really good at platformers with many movement buttons and want some fast paced action, give this game a try. It has lovely graphics and level design, and if you are good at it, it can certainly be very satisfying. Otherwise, expect to lose a lot and struggle with the movement system and weapon management, controls in general, as you would be playing against experienced players in a chaotic game mode.