Enjoable and frustrating at the same time.

User Rating: 6 | The Simpsons Game PS2
At first glance the game seems great - easy, with all characters and enjoyable moves. it is not until later when you notice it is repetitive, boring and unrewarding despite number of collectibles.

The story does not make all that sense. It there just to justify the game parodying all these video game titles.

What is great is that you have movies with original voices on the same level as the tv show. Some new jokes may be enough to please any Simpsons fans, but then it is suppose to be ps2 game and it does not bring you great gameplay. As for the cinematics, there are two kinds: mentioned drawn animation and game engine cutscenes. The latter is horrific, whenever something is shown from distance it looks unlike the cartoon and overall terrible. The characters rendered in this look very rough. This is especially visible in mission Medal of Homer which looks the worst.

As for the gameplay - yeah the camera turns in the least expected moment and makes you die a couple of times more. Hit detections seems alright at first but later its a chore to hit these small enemies. Also whenever you want to press the button or pull the lever you have to look at it directly and press triangle. There is no other use for triangle but to interact yet your character has to stare at right direction. This comes frustrating in the mission The Shadow of Colossal Donut when you have to land on tiny platform which only appears for 10 seconds (one try) and after making an impossible landing you have to turn and than press button. Why complicate it like this?
Other than that gameplay is pretty nice when camera is not killing you. Homer can burp and transform into gumi Homer or a Homerball. Bart turns into Bartman (flying, climbing, grapple) and lisa play sax to stun your enemies. Marge can order a bloodthirsty mob to burn a and kill and she has got maggie on her back to crawl narrow spaces. Its all good but soon you realise that it is extremely linear and oriented towards single player. There are stages where Bart is the only way to unlock ladder and drawbridge and the other player just sits and waits. Vertical split screen makes you see very little and you cannot play on co-op any other way.
Worst of all the advertised levels aren't all that good. Grand Theft scratchy does not give you driving or shooting and shooting characters have the same projectile like the slingshot. The mission is just a variation of previous mob-controlling mission. Everquest mission is a little better but very limited - first stage consist of Marge putting down fire and Homerball hitting the dragon. And that is it, you do that 6 times, no other interation with environment, just deserted village.
Some abilities gained in the game are stupid in terms of gameplay. Sure Gumihomer is hilarious but when I have a pillar which can be destroyed only by him and another pillar that can be destroyed only by homerball I question the game logic. Also there is "lisa's saxophone is now more powerful" upgrade - not that you notice any of that.

Other things to do: I did not find a way to access Town and speak to people (somebody message me if it is possible) but judging on how the house look like it - it would be boring as well. The house is empty, you can't brake anything do anything rather than accessing collectibles screen. So basically you run around the house once and than never care again. What a waste. Of course there are collectibles, sometimes not that easy to find but totally unrewarding - for Homer all you get for finding all bottle caps is a tiny beer bottle with an even tinier sticker saying for example "Dino Duff". It is almost impossible to spot the difference between the rewards. There is also time award and no deaths award. They do nothing collecting all on the level does nothing. Collecting all in the game does nothing. They could have put some artwork in there, a new gag, promo art, whatever. So basically there is nothing to do after you complete the game and nothing to do between missions.

The game isn't challenging although some puzzles require you to pull impossible jumps and stuff even though just a moment ago you had a gam for 5 year old.

As for audio - it is great because of original voice acting and themes. Yet in missions it can become repetetive especially when you die because of poor camera.

To sum up - the game has some great values that come from the show, but as a game itself isn't much, just an average platformer. It is hard not to compare it with other family game - Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-rabbit which had better single screen co-op, better graphics, a city which was alive and power ups which served purpose (also good base material). The problem with The Simpsons game is that people expected a game as good as the show. Cutscenes taken form the show does not accomplish that.

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