Today i wanted the rent The Simpsons Game... couldn't find it anywhere.. so i bought it...Hmm maybe i should have waited
At first, i was dissapointed by the graphics, i thought it would be like the Zelda: Windwaker, cartoonist graphics but very fluid.
The Simpsons Game dosen't look good, sorry. it dosen't.
The game is not bad, like i said i played like 3 hours.. There's a lot of bad camera going on, i missed at least 50% of my jump due to camera angles.
But i asked myself, would i have bought it if i would have tried it before...... NO!
There's some good positive points, it's great to have the voice over, the game is funky cool, and funny, there's cool cutscenes, and a lot of Simpsons characters.
I give it a 6.5/10.. and i'm generous.