The Simpsons Game on DS is a fun if uneven game
This game takes it story from when Bart discovers a gaming manual that falls from the heavens and that it allows each of the Simpson family to have super-powers. After establishing who has what powers and alien invasion hits Springfield leading to the family finding out that they are just video game characters being sold in yet another rubbish game of repeating tasks and forever dieing and therefore set out to settle their problems with the creator.
As mentioned before each family member has their own set of unique powers they vary a bit for the console version due to the restriction of being in 2D. Bart has the ability to become Bartman in which he can float, shoot projectiles from his catapult and can slide down zip-lines. Homer has the ability to turn himself into a giant ball which he can crush his enemies and certain scenery, plus use the dash ability to launch himself off ramps. Homer can also fill himself with helium which allows him to reach high areas and he is the only Simpson able to use pressure buttons. Lisa has the Fist of Buddha ability which allows you to with the stylus move objects, enemies and even yourself around the screen which adds to the puzzle solving element of the game. Marge is probably the most unique of the characters as her levels are the most unique as there is no platforming. Marge has the ability to control mobs of people with the use of her megaphone, which plays identically to Pikmin (Mr Miyamoto make Pikmin for DS) and she also has the ability to send Maggie into small areas to pull levers.
This game play may vary it a bit around levels but ultimately it is the same style of jumping around a section of a level repeating tasks such as button pressing and button bashing. The enemies don't have any challenge to them at all not even what is considered to be boss battles. Only a few sections in the game could really require brain power. Another negative is the ability to only play as two characters which means you are prepared for what challenges you have to take on, plus since you cannot choose which character you play as it damages the puzzle element of the game since you know what you can do. Even though Marge's part of the game shakes things up a bit they are just way too easy, the mob you send out to do your bidding cannot die therefore you can avoid taking damage easily.
The graphics of this game are in 2D and really capture the look of the Simpsons. Clear and crisp the character models are very well designed. They have even tried to throw in the animated sections of the console version which are funny but some of the funnier moments are missing plus at time parts that move too much get a bit distorted.
All the cast from the television series are in the game including cameos from Will Wright, Matt Groening, and the cast of Futurama. The music is also suitable for the game unlike Simpsons games of past. A negative would be that there is that you could hear the same line several time in a row which can get annoying. Other than that though the voice acting is perfect.
The amount of time this game takes to complete (I did it in less than five hours) might make this game more from renting rather than buying. After the very easy game has been played through then there is only any hidden items and cliches left over from the first play through to collect which is one of the oldest ways to extend a games shelf life (it doesn't even have the time trial mode of the console versions).
Overall the Simpsons game is like playing an extended episode of the television series and although fun when playing through is just too much for actually buying it. Rent it.