The Simpsons: Good Movie, Good Show, Bad game.

User Rating: 4 | The Simpsons Game WII
Let's get this out of the way:
The Simpsons game is very funny.
But this can't redeem the game from the rest of it's crap.
First off, the AI is TERRIBLE. Trust me, I wasn't expecting to be surrounded by chocolate bunnies in advanced tactical movements A la Tom Clancy. But even something as simple as a pressure pad puzzle is made almost impossible.
Let's just look at one example. homer has to stand on pad A, while Bart platforms on the stairs that come when homer presses that button, and then jumps on pad B, making a bridge. Simple stuff right? WRONG! As soon as Bart moves more than 10 feet away, homer starts following, causing the stairs to fall, and chucking Bart into a bottomless pit. Yes, homer is stupid, but Bart, Lisa, and Marge are guilty of the same bull!
Then their are the graphics. These are somewhat 50 50. the style matches the cartoon, and is a nice feature. but when you get close to any of the textures they look BAD. and I mean BAD. for some reason, rather than the simple black line that outlines the objects, they decided to shade the line in and out, so when you get close to it, you don't see black lines, you see a giant mess of dark brown pixels. The edges are jagged, and the levels are steeped in one mono chromatic color. One level features Dark Grey /blue everything. blue floors, blue walls, blue ceilings, blue stairs, blue hand rails, even the dirt is blue! WTF! I know the Wii isn't a graphical powerhouse, but that is just dumb art direction.
Also, the camera man must be drunk, because the camera is always clipping, glitch-ing, blocking your view in general, and more. Sometimes, you can't even finish a level, because you can't see where your supposed to go.
The sound is pretty good, but each level has only one song, and when it loops for the third time, you will want to turn it off. they recorded a lot of dialog, but you'll spend so much time trying to figure out how to get the retarded AI to cooperate, listening to the same 5 lines over and over.
The game play and controls SUCK. They don't take even remote advantage of the motion sensing, require you to do complicated button combos, but don't even use all of the buttons on the controller! that's like having to press Up + A to jump in Mario, and but not using the B button for anything. Game play consists of puzzles a prekindergarten kid could solve, but impossible because of retarded AI that won't cooperate; and hordes of the same enemy over and over. For an entire level, you fight nothing but the same exact security guard over and over, spewing the same 5 one liners over and over, while you mercilessly mash the B button. If you want to experience the jokes, just go on You tube, and watch the games cut scenes, and spare your self the 50 dollars.
PS: this game is very short. I played it from start to finish, but it is only 8 hours MAX.