This game scores points for story and cutscenes but loses it all on gameplay

User Rating: 5 | The Simpsons Game PS2
The most recent game based on the popular american tv family, The Simpsons.

The graphics engine is much different to the Simpsons Hit & Run game, as they went for an almost cartoon look and feel to it, the graphics were refreshing i must say but even with decent graphics the games camera angle makes sure that you wont enjoy it to the full capacity.

which brings this games main flaw to view. the camera angle constintly fights with a person and you lose you direction many a time because of it, this doesnt improve the Co-Op gameplay not one bit as the screen splits and you have even less area to get your jumps and runs right.

The Simpons Video Game is a fun concept, a little to short by the time you get done it will feel like an eternity simply from the frustrating camera angles.

Give this game a try if you can spot it in the bargain bin or rent it for the weekend, but you shoudn't want to pay full price for this title.