As an old school fan of The Simpsons whose interest has wained in the past years, I found this game to be refreshing.
It didn't take much playtime before I was refreshingly surprised. The environments look just awesome in high def and the characters are a spot on match which all serves to really pull you into the game. There are lots of genuine laughs as you play through and you will meet up with pretty much any Simpsons character you can think of.
The story itself is pretty darn funny too and consists mainly of picking on the gaming industry the entire time. It's all in good fun though and there surely is nothing that would leave anyone feeling offended.
The main game is a bit short taking about 15 hours but you will surely be left with plenty of achievements to go after if you finish that quickly. Ending up with about 370 points on my first run through, this is one of few titles I can see myself going back to and spending some time getting the left overs.
All in all I'm perfectly happy knowing I paid full price for it and I think you would be too. Getting a well looked after copy at a reduced price should be considered a score...don't even think about it. Just grab it and even if you don't pop it in until a month from now when you feel like you have nothing else to will be pleasantly surprised.
You can be any of the Simpson Family. Special moves are pretty neat, some I'd never seen before. Pretty much all the characters in the show are there somewhere. Sound and visuals are both excellent. It's funny
The camera can be quite annoying at times, though it is really not that bad. For me the fun I was having was well worth the occasional control annoyance. Main story is a bit short.
Basically you travel around Springfield from stage to stage. While doing this you can explore the city and run around grabbing items for your collection. Each Simpson has a certain item associated with them that can be found all around Springfiled and during the various stages. Collecting items results in things like increased power for your character.
The stages are greatly varied and very stylized which is one of the games real assets. The changes of pace really help to reduce game monotony.
Awesome. Tight environments and wickedly done characters seem flawless. A strong point to the game.
Fantastic. All the sounds and actual voices you hear on the show. A strong point to the game.
The camera angles will became a nuisance in various situations but nothing that is not overcome by a few tries. For me it was not significant at all.
Well worth it. For the amount of laughs and enjoyment I had it was well worth the price and I would do it again. It was even enjoyable enough for me to go back and do a little achievement-getting ;)