take two cups of Grand theft auto, 3 grams of Need for Speed, and 1 ounce of wholesome goodness, and you'll get this!!!!

User Rating: 8.3 | The Simpsons: Hit & Run GC
This game has taken Grand theft auto, Need for Speed, and of course, the Simpsons to create this one-of-a-kind Racing Adventure game. Not once has the creaters of the past Simpsons games ever hit this peak of surrealism, and still kept that great 100% taste of Simpsons. If there has ever been a racing game this funny and fun, then you must have been dreaming.

Gameplay- Intense. Fun. Fast. This game has taken The Simpsons to a new level of fun. Its like whatching the show, cept' this time, your the one in charge. The gameplay is at the peak of perfection. Yet, you can help feeling dissapointed they didnt make multiplayer any funner than Simpsons;Road Rage had made it. However, You will be having too much fun to care about goin head to head with your freinds when you will have just as much fun going head to head with Snake, Smithers, and The evil Buzz Cola producers. Hey, we haven't even gotten to sound yet, isn't that enouph proof of what this game is worth?

Graphics- The shine on the side of the newly waxed cars, the shadows of scrap metal falling to the face of the earth after going 50 feet high in the air after speeding of a ramp, and the blinking hilarious eyes of the characters. All of these small everyday things in the world of the Simpsons should seem as pure and realistic as it should be- not could be, because it would just be another game, not a simpsons game. Lucky for us, Hit and Run does this perfectly.

Sound- great. Sure, it could have been better, but we weren't hoping for some Matrix music or NFL music, we were hoping for Simpsons. So you know what? This game just hit the jackpot, and it sounds like the music of a pure Simpson's, um, game!

Value- 5 characters, 7 levels, 7 minirace tracks, and more than 25 differant cars(more than 40 I beleive if you enter the cheat code once you beat the game.) So, multiply a character along with 2 cars by 1 day, and add so and so due to the missions, hmmmm....... You got yourself alot of playing time thats for sure!

Tilt- Great plot, every character from the show, besides guest stars, plays a roll, including alot of the most famous Simpson episodes aired on T.V, making it so that you will get alot of fun time out of it. I won't tell what happens in the end because I would spoil the plot.

Overall, with a great game, comes a great Review, so hopefully this is an AMAZING review. If you happen to be very bored and just recently lost your copy of Need For Speed, then you should definately buy it. Hey, I haven't had this much fun since I played Super Smash Bros Melee. C ya.