I have it for PS2 and i should say that it ROCKS!!!!! i mean.. the graphics are an 8.5 and the game itself is a
Play: 8.99
Sound: 9.8
Overall Rank: 9.2 (Superb(To Me Anyway))
Level1: Evergreen Terrace(Day)
Level2: Downtown(Bart)
Level3: Squidport(Lisa)
Level4: Evergreen Terrace(Evening)
Level5: Downtown(Apu)
Level6: Squidport(Bart)
Level7: Evergreen Terrace(Eternal Night)
The Very First Task: The Cola Caper
Description: Go To Kwik-E-Mart And Buy Cola And Ice Cream With
The Mini Pies In It.
Lowdown: Turn Left On To Evergreen Terrace And Go All The The Way Up Until You See The Kwik-E-Mart Sign, Turn right Into The Parking Lot And Go Inside To Talk To Apu, Ask Him For The Stuff, Collect It And The Mission Is Complete.
Summary: It Rocks!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely: Can_Drive_55