probably the best game ever. why arn't there any sequels damnit
User Rating: 9 | The Simpsons: Hit & Run XBOX
just roaming around is fun as there so much to find and do. theres about as much content in here as there is in elder scrolls oblivion. i spent so many hours as homer cause hes the best. lisa is the next best and marge is the worst. in the worst i mean out of 10 in fun it would be a 9.5. its so funny to hit people and they don't react at all like in gta or anything it just makes it funnier. i run over marge the most.
my only beef with this game is over half the characters in the show when it was being made don't make an appearence in this game. graphics sorta suck too alot like how futurama the game sucked in graphics too