Avarage multiplayer, abysmal game - this has gone tottaly barf bart.

User Rating: 1.6 | The Simpsons Skateboarding PS2
This is Tony Hawk crap. Honest. This was one of my fav games of all times (some people in the forum knows about that) but when I played it for 500 days, it looks boring, and now the Tony Hawk games has gone wild to me.

Honestly, don't buy it. It is SO SO SO SO SO SO SLIGHTY an avarage value... almost.

Yeah, that didn't make sense.

That was the game's fault. The language sounds like babies. Multiplayer is under avarage. Horse and a 90 second trick attack. 'Horse' isn't very good - the fat characters make it hard to score, and you can't change it to your own word such as 'Duffboy' or 'Loser'... those are something very simalar to the simpsons.

Music - all bad. So bad, that all you will put in the soundtrack is the urban soundtrack of The Simpsons. The sounds only are the levels and a number - and there is hardly any voice acting. A guy says every trick you pull, and tease you like the Elves in Elf Bowling. Just one, tiny-weeny bail and lots of 'haha's and 'I could have done better' will surround you.

This game is uber crap - no imagination, stupid controls.

They forgot LOADS of controls. This game doesn't tell anything about pools or grindslides. No flatlands, no spine transfer, the spins are made by R1+O and the backflips/frontflips by R2, that makes the game worse. There are tricks that don't make sense. 'Stinky Fish' for example - is a trick that is so confusing.

1. Why is the kickflip Square+Up when it is Square+Left?
2. No level value
3. Why aren't there auto spins?
4. Menus look dull.
5. i could be going forver.

Overall, this is a skateboarding game that doesn't make you do it. The longest crap game I have ever reviewed. Avoid, or buy it when the Playstation 85626503759364271325475884346385895619640 comes out.