I got it when I was 10. I played on it once. To date.

User Rating: 2 | The Simpsons Skateboarding PS2
When you're 10, it's hard to get a game that's perfect for you.

Puzzles become boring, shoot 'em ups are too hard and i don't think we'll be reverting to old Kawashima.

But oh, lookie here, The Simpsons have come to save us!


Because this game is horribly bad. Some people say it's fun. Yes, fun. The graphics are horrible, the characters look like scrunched-up post-it notes, the boards are stupid, the levels are badly planned, and whenever you try to go up a ramp, the character jumps off. Teaching young kids to commit suicide. A lovely message. Game modes? Unlockables? No comment. I tried 'em. They all phail with a capital 'p'. Honestly, if you want something Simpsons-ish get Hit and Run or Road Rage, not this. If you want something skateboard-wise, get Tony Hawk. Not this.

Lets end this review right here. I need to find a TV program where they aren't all yellow. :S