If you're a Simpsons fan buy The Simpsons game. If you're a skateboarding fan, buy the Tony Hawk series.

User Rating: 2 | The Simpsons Skateboarding PS2
Out of all of the Simpsons games I've played, this has got to be one of the worst besides Bart's Nightmare. First, the controls are very abysmal. I remember when I first played this game; I began to realize that the combos were greatly limited. I also noticed how they are just not good at jumping. Anyways, when your try to do kick flip tricks on the ground, your character will most likely bail out. I also noticed when you speed up your character by pressing the square button, sometimes your character just bails out for no apparent reason. This happens because the characters jumps aren't high and accurate enough to be able to do tricks on the ground.

However, when you try to do a manual, the arrow moves too fast. The same thing occurs with grinding. When you do tricks on half-pipes, your character won't jump high enough, and will still most likely bail out. This happens because pressing the X button doesn't make your character move faster. Instead, you have to keep pressing the square button. When you press the X button, your character will simply crotch and move like a slug.

Second, the voice acting is way too repetitive. Kent Brockman will keep on saying "A moment of silence please" and other lame quotes that talk about having some extra homework. Plus, Bart keeps on saying "Man this sucks" and "my butt hurts". After a while those same exact quotes will most likely get on your nerves. However, this music in this game was slightly better. For some reason I think the music fits perfectly with this game. Even though it doesn't really sound like the Simpsons theme music.

Presentation - 2 The quests in this game are just clones from Tony Hawk, but it's just a lamer version of an awesome game.

Graphics - 3 There are some glitches in this game which causes your character to get stuck on objects for a while.

Sound - 3 The voice acting is too redundant, but the music is pretty relaxing and smooth.

Game play - 1 The controls are atrocious because the characters don't know how to jump high, and the bailing in this game happens way too frequently.

Lasting Approval - 1 In two player mode, you can do HORSE or timed attack. How come there isn't any free play mode like there is in single player mode? Single player mode just becomes way too frustrating because the controls are broken.

2 out of 10