What the hell did the simpsons get there selfs into?
User Rating: 2 | The Simpsons Skateboarding PS2
When i was 5 or 6. I seen this to buy at a store. Then i bought it. Years later did i realize it was the most mediocre game i own, and failed to win the likes of me! Lets start with the gameplay. Its a rip off of tony hawk series(which was allot better),with a few minor bugs and problems. Opps did i say few minor bugs and problems, i mean dozens. The skating is controlled poorly. You cant even do an impossible when jumping with out bailing. You cant spin when jumping, so how do you spin? You push and hold L2 . You;d think it would work. It doesnt. The game wont respond to this which is frustrating. Oh and thats just the first thing. You dont jump high enough which leads to bails,Its hard to do lip tricks,and more. Even worse? Cars dont stop for you, so you;ll get hit by cars messing up a combo. Speaking of combos. Its even hard to do a combo up to 2000 points (which was easy to do in tony hawk). Remeber that episode of The Simpsons when homer and bart were in a 3D world. Thats what the graphics looks........ except horrible!!! The games engine isn;t good,and the framerate is also absymal!
The music is the only thing that kept it from being 1.5. But its decent. It has a remix of the simpsons theme and a bunch of other songs. But like i said before, Its decent. With its broken skating , poor graphics,and its decent music. This game is just broken, and its a shame to The Simpsons.Bringing a dusty old game from your shelf can be bad sometimes, but this is ridiculous